Monday, June 1, 2015

Today is Aaron’s birthday. This day is always a day of disbelief and reflection. For some reason I can never believe that he is actually getting older. My reaction usually starts a week or so before the big day with exclamations like “He is going to be 6!” “Can you even believe it?” “How is he already 6?” This year proves to be no different. I stand in utter amazement that my baby is growing up. For some reason, this particular birthday is hitting me rather hard. He is 6. Age six is not usually a BIG year to reflect upon or get extra excited about, but I am having a hard time. Maybe it’s because he finished Kindergarten, or knows how to swim or rides a bike. Maybe it’s because we still have three long and torturous days of school left before summer break. Or just maybe it is because I have finally realized that Aaron is JUST SIX. There is no miracle, no fireworks, no coming of age party every time he makes it to another year. You see, when Aaron was born with Down syndrome, we were shocked, surprised, sucker punched. We were not prepared and not ready to accept the world set out before us. We were scared as noted in my original post: Aaron's news. For lack of a better term – we were uninformed.

As we celebrate Aaron’s birthday, I have been wishing I could go back in time. I wish I could speak to myself 6 years ago and tell her a few things. I know she was scared. Those emotions are still so raw. Every time I go back to the day we learned our destiny, it brings tears to my eyes. I remember those feelings of loss and sorrow and fear. I remember wanting to run; wanting to change the situation; to change the outcome for the sake of my son. But if I could, I would take myself out for a cup of coffee (or a bottle of wine), look myself in the eyes and tell her IT WILL ALL BE OK.

If I could actually do that – this is what I would say:

SELF – it is seriously going to be fine. I’m not just saying that. It is for real, 100% going to be OK. Aaron will have good days and bad days like everyone else. He will actually not even be your most challenging child. He will fit in with your crazy, busy family and survive.

Aaron will represent change. He is the future. He is a way of life that people will long for. He brings a smile to others when they feel tired or weak. He is the hug people need when they feel sad. He is a drink of water for those that are thirsty. His pace is slower and shows others how to stop and enjoy small steps in life.

DO NOT BE AFRAID!  The road is long but not impossible. There are many who have paved the way before us and are more than willing to lend a hand.
Aaron will walk and talk and tell me he loves me and use the potty (praise God). He will kick a soccer ball and tease his sisters and swim and laugh and dance. (Boy can this boy dance!) He will hog a microphone and don’t even try to sing “Let it go” with him. The stage is all his. Aaron will have friends and get notes from classmates and be invited to birthday parties. Aaron will have opinions and not be afraid to express his feelings.

You will grow. Aaron will test you. He will try your patience. There will be days when you want to give up, throw in the towel, wave the white flag. Just keep pushing. Over each of these mountains, you will witness the most glorious accomplishments. You will weep tears of joy when Aaron reads for the first time, call every friend you have when he speaks a full sentence and perform actual cartwheels when he goes on his first playdate. You see, everything is a bit sweeter for Aaron. Maybe it’s because you are not expecting it. Maybe it’s because he is not “normal.” Maybe it’s because of our fear. Whatever the reason, Aaron will succeed. And when Aaron succeeds, JOY is defined.

Here is what I now know about 6 year old Aaron:
He is BRAVE.
He is stubborn.
He craves adventure.
He loves to laugh and make others laugh.
He is NOT always happy. He feels every emotion and will show them to you in full force.
He does not hold a grudge. Ever.
He is consistent and every day after school I get a giant hug and am told “I missed you!”
He will shut an open door or drawer without fail – every single time.
He will do just about anything for a piece of raisin toast with butter.
He is smart – brilliant actually.
He has special powers. To know him, is to love him. Even if he makes you frustrated or mad – you can’t help it.

You will get frustrated with the world as you know it. You will want to change society for the sake of your son. You will get mad at the school system and sports and organizations because you son doesn’t fit the mold. It’s OK – he is not supposed to fit the mold. He will change the mold.

Eventually after our long conversation and perhaps more than one bottle of wine, myself 6 years ago would be calmer, more prepared and a lot less afraid. Today I still have worries and fears. But they have a different context. They are more “normal.” The questions are: where will Aaron have the opportunity to go to college? Where will he live? Who will he marry? What will he choose as his career? I wish my former self could have skipped the grieving and transcended straight to hope. Aaron is hard and tiring and exhausting. So are his sisters. It is called being a parent and Down syndrome does not limit my son. Recently we have taught Aaron to say “Don’t limit Me!” I think this should be printed on every prenatal testing result, sonogram picture or karyotype print out. Don’t limit me by my diagnosis.

We are only limited by the pace of life, by the square we are supposed to fit in. Aaron doesn’t fit the mold. Don’t limit him to the box.

Happy Birthday Aaron – you are loved fiercely.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

&%$# Happens!

Well you think by my 3rd child that I would know better. For those of you who have not had kiddos yet or who are just starting out with your 1st let me give you a piece of advice. Bathing immediately after eating is NOT a good idea! Even if you are rushed and you are behind on the bedtime routine. Aaron had his first (and I hope only) poopie in the bath experience tonight. The grossest part was the fact that the mermaid Barbies were also in the tub. Aaron thought it was so hilarious that when I finally got everything (including him) cleaned up he decided to tee-tee all over me :) I'll be up doing laundry, showering and sanitizing bath toys if anyone needs me!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Beginnings

Well we are all settled in the home we are renting in River Chase. I use the term settled loosely! Moving with three kiddos was challenging but we are most of the way unpacked and organized. Thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. I have said this before but we would not survive without the love and support of our family and friends! We look forward to what the next chapter has in store for us. Abby has been in town for two weeks helping us to get organized, spending time with her nieces and nephew and having some fun along the way too!!! She is an amazing person with a heart of gold and a fabulous spirit. While she was here we did a family pic - Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Customer Service!

Shayne and Jeff are known for going above and beyond but check out this customer service! Friday they had a "warranty" call from one of their new homeowners...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Calendar Boy

The Down Syndrome Association provides education, support and resources to individuals with Down Syndrome, their families, professionals, and the community while building public awareness and acceptance of the abilities of individuals with Down Syndrome.

In an effort to raise money to support these efforts the DSA sells calendars each year. We were chosen for the 2011 calendar and were awarded a free photo shoot with Angela Lynn Portraits. This is the picture that will be submitted to the calendar. Once printed it will be in black and white with a touch of color somewhere on the photo.
I am sorry - but how stinkin' cute is Aaron? He could be anywhere in the calendar from a thumbnail portrait to a month to a cover. We are shooting for at least a "travel" month but he is way to cute for a thumbnail!!!! I will, of course, let everyone know where he ends up and when the calendar are on sale!

Monday, May 10, 2010

We're Baaaaaack!
Have you missed updates from the Anderson Family? Well I don't call the blog "The Anderson Jungle" for no reason! Things have been more than crazy so to get back to blogging I am catching everyone up in a sort of Christmas letter format. Here goes:

Girls participating in "Crazy Hat Day" at First Protestant School
Aaron with his 1st Blubonnet Picture.
Anderson kiddos playing in the Blubonnets
Kiddos with Abby at Clark and Jessa's wedding in February.

Family News - WE SOLD OUR HOUSE! PRAISE GOD! An incredible women purchased our beautiful home and is moving in this summer with her 8 dogs! She has been kind and generous and we know she will have an amazing life here. She has started construction on a pool and fence so it is fun to see the "finished" product. We will be renting a home in River Chase starting May29th. This is our 8th move in almost 10 years of marriage so while we are super efficient at the whole packing thing we are glad to be taking steps to simplify our life and look towards settling down in the near future. We had an eventful Winter/Spring....Ashlyn and Aaron were hospitalized for RSV at the end of January for a week. We have had countless doctor follow ups and specialist appointments for Aaron's hearing, etc. Thankfully everyone is now healthy and happy and our appointments are settling down for the summer.

Shayne - The man of the Anderson Haus is as busy as ever. Anderson-Jenkins is cranking out gorgeous homes! They have 14 on the ground as we speak. It is such a blessing that the business is booming and Shayne and I often ask why we have been so favored? He recently got to sneak away to the Devils River for a weekend getaway but hasn't had time for much excitement outside of our busy lives and 3 kiddos!

Steph - I am still in limbo land but things are slowly moving forward. There are some job prospects in the near future and if those do not pan out I am looking at furthering my education. These are some exciting times as I wait to see what direction I am led. I took Aaron to Seattle for Aubrey's wedding and we had so much fun visiting with family and friends. I am looking forward to some time with the college girls this weekend and then planning on a "relaxing" summer of Schlitterbahn, "lazy" days by the pool, and some time to just sit and play with the kids. I am gearing up with the Hunstman's Ball - benefiting the ACS again this year. I am co-chairing catering with an amazing friend so that will be fun AND we are launching the 1st annual Hoot & Holler - benefiting the Down Syndrome Association. It is going to be this fall and a ton of fun but planning a large event can be a bit overwhelming! I will update the page once more details are available!!!

Allie - Our oldest is certainly growing up. It is no secret she has been our biggest challenge, but she is growing into a little girl, full of love, wonder, and spirit! She graduates from Pre-K on the 21st and will be starting Kindergarten in August. She has gone from telling me "I AM NOT going to Kindergarten" to now wanting to ride the bus so we are definitely making some progress! We had a combined Birthday party for her and Ashlyn this year complete with Petting Zoo and she is holding on tightly to the fact that she is 5! Allie shares a special bond with Aaron and prides herself on "helping" him.

Ashlyn - Well Ashlyn is now 4 and so far that is consistently the toughest age in the Anderson household! She is beginning to exercise her independence and is having trouble with Allie bossing her around. She is caught between wanting to be a big girl and still wanting to be a baby, BUT she still wants to do everything exactly how Allie is doing it! She is fiercely addicted to chocolate and is fervently avoiding any type of vegetable. She beats to her own drum and we all wish we could hear the music and dance along with her!
Aaron - Our little man is almost one! He is such an amazing person who just reaches in and grabs the heart of everyone he meets. He has had quite the respiratory season and I think I own at least one patient room at New Braunfels Pediatrics! Other than that, though, he is completely healthy. It is quite the blessing! We were even able to cancel an appointment with the Endocrinologist because his thyroid levels have corrected themselves. His hearing is great and his vision is great so we just keep thanking GOD and monitoring his positive progress. Aaron says mama, dada and shows delight if you say the word Milk (or anything that sounds like Milk!). He loves to clap and grin at people. If you are anywhere near us be prepared to give him attention because he will stare you down until he gets you to smile at him! He is playing with toys and really wants to walk. He is not so much into the idea of crawling. He sort of gets himself into a yoga tee pee position and then gets frustrated because he can't get anywhere. He is very close to mastering movement and then my life will be officially over! Aaron has been in Kindermusik (with mommy) which he loves and we are doing swim lessons this summer (also with mommy). He is still seeing a PT through ECI and we have scheduled a speech eval. We are trying to stay on top of his development to give him the very best start in life.

All in all we are doing well and have no complaints. We are thankful to have our amazing support group! I look forward to updating the blog and keeping in touch better....

Hugs :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I WANT my Paci!

So today we had a big moment for Aaron. He was a bit fussy at nap time and he does this weird whining moaning thing to put himself to sleep. It doesn't bother me - he is a great sleeper and if that is the way he starts to snooze then fine by me. I could tell the A/C repairman was a little creeped out though. He obviously could not concentrate on balancing our system until I took care of the moaner. I carried Aaron into the kitchen to see if I could find a paci. I found an unopened package of 2 and proceeded to prop Aaron up in a sitting position supported by my chest while we opened the package together. He grabbed the package with both hands and once the package was opened he grabbed the paci and put it right in his mouth!!! Then he sucked on it until he fell asleep WITHOUT me holding it! Now this is not an event I even remember happening with my girls. It seems like they started doing this at birth BUT with our little man we celebrate every milestone. Before Aaron, I had no idea how much muscle coordination and cognitive skills it took to actually lift a paci and put it in your mouth. Not to mention the muscle tone required to actually keep the paci in your mouth without your protruding tongue kicking it out of the way. So you go Aaron! I have never been so proud of anyone sucking a pacifier before. Now - let's hope he does not form a habit:)