Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We can count our blessings!

Tuesday June 30th we had a one month check up for Aaron. The goal was to make sure he is still growing and feeding well and to have a Q&A with our pediatrician now that the shock has subsided a bit. Dr. Rieger was kind enough to invite our family to attend so the Andersons, Griesings, Noel, Shayne and I crowded in the room to ask questions and feel better about Aaron's diagnoses.

Here are our blessings:

1)Aaron gained 1 pound in two weeks and 1/2 inch! Yea!! Feeding can be a big issue in Children with Down Syndrome and he is eating well.
2)Aaron's thyroid levels are normal
3)His platelet counts are normal
4)His digestive system seems to be working A-OK
5)We had previously learned that his heart is fantastic!
6)Aaron is lifting his head and focusing his eyes - everything a one month old should be doing.

I will be registering him with Early Childhood Intervention this week so we can get him started in therapy in the coming months. (thank you Rebecca G for your help and expertise!) We will begin testing his vision in the next few months and we will test his hearing and thyroid levels again at six months.

So far so good - please keep the prayers coming for this little guy. We are so VERY BLESSED to have such a large and wonderful group of friends and family. Everyone has been quick to offer support and to share experiences, tears and laughter. Together we will jump over this hurdle and give Aaron the best possible life that he can live!


  1. What GREAT news! He is adorable!

  2. yay aaron!! that's great progress! he's such a cutie!

  3. I am thanking and praising God for this wonderful news!
