Friday, September 11, 2009

Aaron is Rolling Over!

Aaron has been trying to roll over for several weeks now and actually mastered it once and then stopped for about 2 weeks. Yesterday, September 10th was his big day. He can roll from his back to his belly over either his right or his left shoulder. This is a HUGE milestone for Aaron and one more reason for us to be so grateful for his progress. He is quite amazing. ECI gave me a growth chart and rolling over is in the 6-9 month section. In my "What to Expect the 1st Year" book, rolling over (one way) is in the "may possibly be able to do" section for the third month.
Go Aaron Go! Now we just need to work on him flipping the other way. Once he is on his tummy he gets mighty frustrated!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Aaron, I am so proud of you! What a great accomplishment! Now you better stop growing up so fast:) xoxo, Andrea
